| 1. | The nazi party is an enormous german ku klux klan . 纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三K党。
| 2. | The ku klux klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor . 三K党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。
| 3. | The nazi party is an enormous german ku klux klan 纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三k党。
| 4. | Two ku klux klanners set upon him as he was going home 他回家时两个三k党人突然袭击了他。
| 5. | The ku klux klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor 三k党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。
| 6. | Cab driver : for twenty dollars i ' ll take you to a ku klux klan cookout 占士邦:那麽若你跟著那架房车后面的话,我会给你多二十元。
| 7. | Reputed ku klux klansman , james seale is charged with kidnapping in connection with the deaths of two black men in 1964 3k党人詹姆斯.希尔被控在1964年参与绑架并导致两名黑人死亡。
| 8. | Reputed ku klux klansman , james seale is charged with kidnapping in connection with the deaths of two black men in 1964 臭名昭著的三k党人,詹姆斯?希尔被指控参与绑架并导致两名黑人死亡。
| 9. | Reputed ku klux klansman , james seale is charged with kidnapping in connection with the deaths of two black men in 1964 号称是三k党成员的詹姆斯希尔被指控绑架罪与1964年两名黑人的死有关。
| 10. | Reputed ku klux klansman , james seale is charged with kidnapping in connection with the deaths of two black men in 1964 著名的三k党人,詹姆斯?希尔于1964年因涉嫌绑架,并造成两名黑人死亡而被起诉。